Dear ACBS Chesapeake Bay Chapter Members and friends,
In June, Howard Johnson was contacted by Prop Talk Magazine after their visit to our show. They said that they would like to visit Oldtimeworld in Croom, MD and see the boats and cars on display. We suggested that our interviewer, Kaylie Jasinski, 23, stay for lunch as it includes 4 buildings full of treasures from the past. Kaylie has been working for Prop talk ever since graduation from college, she grew up on the water in Middle River and played in all kinds of boats ever since learning to swim. She was delighted with the variety of boats here, asked many questions, wrote everything down and took many pictures with her state of the art camera. At one point we thought a panoramic shot would be best. I held a chair and she jumped right up on the sturdy deck of an Old Town Lapstrake Outboard. There was more to see than necessary for an article; after lunch, she asked if she could switch to video with her camera, follow me around and ask questions. She clipped a microphone to my Whirlwind T Shirt and checked the audio. Amazing newfangled gadgets, these things. So without too much stuttering and stammering I let her on a short tour; if we had had more time we could have made a feature film! The very next week she sent the neatly edited version and a nice article that they had on their Facebook Page and on the Prop Talk Website. Keep looking, Kaylie writes an article about any and all Chesapeake Bay subjects for them, every week. Thank you Prop Talk!