
The information below pertains to ACBS members who would like to register for the show, those who wish to display a boat for sale in the Field of Dreams and those who wish to reserve space in the Nautical Flea Market.  Vendor information (including information for vendors who wish to bring a boat) can be found on the Vendor page.

Information on the schedule can be found on the Hours, Activities & Seminar Details page. Information on the Boating and History Talks will be posted once the schedule is final. Information on lodging and parking (cars and trailers) can be found on the Lodging, Directions and Parking page.

Health and safety protocols, regulations and guidelines will be enforced and every participant is expected to comply.  Please review the current health and safety measures at

Do you have a general question about the boat show or need to contact the Boat Show Chairperson? Click here to send a message.

Need to add something?  If you would like to purchase additional guest badges, purchase additional tickets to the Captain’s Party or Awards Luncheon, have a previously registered boat judged, add a boat to the Field of Dreams, or need to order additional shirts, click here. This form is to be used only by those who have previously registered for the show.

Registration Information:

Registration is online only. We have made improvements to our website to speed the registration process. If you are unable to register online, please contact the Boat Show Chairperson. You are encouraged to register early.  Slips will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis based on availability (boat LOA and draft). If we are unable to accommodate your boat, we will issue refunds. Participants can now register to display outboard motors, enter a boat for sale into the Field of Dreams or buy a space at the Nautical Flea Market when they register for the show.

If you have questions regarding the registration form, click here.

During the registration process, a summary of your form will be displayed prior to payment.  Please review this summary to make sure it is correct.  You will be able to go back and make changes if necessary. After confirming that your registration information is correct, proceed to the payment page. Payment is by credit card. The Chesapeake Bay Chapter does not keep any credit card or payment information you enter.

After reviewing the important information below, click here to register as a Participant.  

  • Your ACBS number is required for Participants. Your ACBS membership number is available on your “My Profile” page once you log in to your ACBS account. If you aren’t an ACBS member and wish to join, Click Here.
  • Only boats meeting the ACBS criteria will be allowed (see ACBS classifications under the section, “If you are bringing a boat,” below).
  • Registration includes badges for 2 people. The badges are good for entrance to the show for all three days. Fees are as follows:
Without a boat $35
With a boat $45
Additional crew (4 max) $20 per badge
Extra boat (2 max) $20 per boat
Long boat fee $30 for every 5 feet or portion thereof over 25 feet.
  • Tickets for the Friday evening Captains Party and the Sunday Awards Luncheon are $30 for adults and $15 for those 16 and under. Tickets must be purchased at the time of registration; they will not be available for purchase at the show.
    • At the Friday evening Captains Party at Navy Point, you can spend the evening enjoying heavy hors d’oeuvres, drinks and a DJ while mingling with those making this show a success
    • The Sunday Awards Luncheon features a buffet luncheon followed by the Awards ceremony.
  • You can purchase T-shirts for 20% off the show price while registering ($20 in advance vs. $25 at the show).

If you are bringing a boat:

Boats must fall under one of the following ACBS classifications:

  • Historic– A boat built up to and including 1918
  • Antique– A boat built between 1919 and 1942 inclusive
  • Classic– A boat built between 1943 and 1975 inclusive
  • Late Classic– Any boat built after 1975 through the year 25 years prior to the current year.
  • Contemporary – Any wooden boat built within the last 25 years

We advertise boat rides for visitors as a feature of this show. If you are willing to offer rides, please bring additional life jackets for riders.

There is Friday afternoon cruise around Wye Island. The cruise takes approximately 2½ hours at a speed of 20 -25 kts. There is a fixed bridge on the route with vertical clearance of 10’. We have participants and visitors who would like to go on this cruise but they do not have a boat that is appropriate for it. If you are willing to take passengers on the cruise, please let us know how many you can accommodate when you register. Captains will meet their passengers at the Oyster Shed at 1:30 PM and depart the docks at approximately 2:00PM.

There will be a photo shoot. This is a great opportunity for you to get a picture of your boat underway.

For Sale signs are NOT ALLOWED on boats displayed in the show area. For sale signs are only allowed only on “Field of Dreams” boats.

We advertise and sell tickets for our show based on three days; 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM on Friday and Saturday and 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM on Sunday.  No one shall depart prior to 3:00 PM on Sunday!

Slip assignments will be emailed to the Captain prior to the show; however, you must contact the dock master upon arrival (before docking) as last-minute slip changes may occur.

Our dock crew is available all weekend to help with boat launching, slip assignments, trailer storage and shuttle service to and from the boat ramp, located minutes from the show grounds. We are also happy to help with local boat transport to the show if needed.

For those trailering their boat to the show, please review the arrival, launching and parking information on the Lodging, Directions and Parking page.

For those cruising to the show, the Museum marina is well protected with deep water at fixed docks, most with fresh water and electric service. We encourage you to arrive on Thursday. If you arrive on Friday morning, you must be in before 9AM. If you plan to arrive before Wednesday or depart after Monday, you must make dockage reservations with the dockmaster at the Museum. Additionally, if you stay Sunday night, please note that you may be asked to change your slip for Sunday night.