Witchcraft II

Witchcraft II Dave & Dee Butler – December 2020 Preface In the beginning, there was the first “Witchcraft”.  In 1850 it was a new type of clipper ship that was made famous for its speed. In 1851 she sailed from New York to San Francisco in 128 days....
Two Peas in a Pod

Two Peas in a Pod

by Eric Chase, Chesapeake Bay chapter. The story of how this boat became ours, starts with a comment I made to my wife Carolyn 7-8 years ago while we were vacationing in the Moosehead Lake area of Maine. While admiring a few antique wooden boats and canoes on display,...

Prop Talk interviews OldTimeWorld

Dear ACBS Chesapeake Bay Chapter Members and friends, In June, Howard Johnson was contacted by Prop Talk Magazine after their visit to our show. They said that they would like to visit Oldtimeworld in Croom, MD and see the boats and cars on display. We suggested that...